You're invited

You're invited ♡

To a Pop-up

Pluto Temple

Initiation + Party

Tuesday, November 19th
Drop-in Style
My house: 146 NE 60th Street, 98115
12pm - 8pm

Scroll down for the story + more info


The planet of …

Transformation / secret power / inner wealth / core energy

For the last 15 years, has been in


For the next 20 years, it will be in



Meaning …

We are finishing a 15 year chapter.
We are graduating. We have transformed, found a source of secret power, inner wealth.

Let’s celebrate! Let’s honor our work. Let’s feel this power.


Let’s close this chapter.
And say thanks and goodbye … to the Capricorn-style of transformation. (It’ll still be active in other places in our life.)

And (in terms of primary work style) lay down the dutiful, consistent, step-by-step, no short-cuts, no help, style of doing things.


Say Hello, to a new chapter. To a blank slate. A new version of yourself, to inhabiting The Fool space. To be open to a new journey, and to a new style of transformation. A new style for directing your prime energy.

Say Hello to 20 years of working with Aquarius energy. Clever, intellectual, embracing technology, collective minded, a little trickster-y.


Arrive as you are. Leave feeling different, changed.

What to expect

This is a pop-up temple, set up just for you! Please move through it in whatever way feels good. There will be 4 altar areas to visit:

~ PAST / Capricorn
~ FUTURE / Aquarius

You’re invited to spend some time at each altar ~ a little or a lot. You can move through them alone, or with others. There will be areas for socializing too! And some limited drinks and snacks. You can be quiet, you can be social.

P.S. I’ve had limited time to prepare, so this will be a very bare-bones style temple!

What to bring


~ An offering for the temple, could be: flowers, money gift, a snack to share, a pluto-related object to leave

Optional / For your initiation

~ Journal prompts (see below) and/or your own Journal
~ Heavy, dark, traditional outer clothing for arrival
~ Lighter, comfy, tech-y outer clothing for leaving
~ A drink or snack for yourself, or to share
~ A sacred object of yours, to charge up at the temple, that you take home again
~ Your birth chart, or, your info and I can print one for you.
~ A tarot deck to use while here. (I’ll also have some available.)


  • These are optional, of course!

  • You can do some, all, none

  • You can work on ahead of time

  • Or, at the temple ~ I can print them for you when you arrive

Journals for you ~

Click here to download

This is a small event.
You are welcome to invite any friends/family members who might vibe with this.

Serving a few beverages and light snacks.
Feel free to bring your own bevvies, snacks ~ for just yourself or to share.

See you Tuesday!
I’m so excited to celebrate this moment with you, and to witness your graduation and initiation.

xoxo Jenny